Saturday, March 21, 2015

And I'm Back! (Post 5 if you count the vlog...)

Ok, I'm in the last straight of this project and I think I have finally figured out that I'm not up a creek without a paddle. I still have a lot to get done today, but I am fairly optimistic about it. No, over this week I did not have a huge epiphany that completely changed my outlook on the project... like: OMG The Remote Controls The Robot!!! Nope... but after a few late nights of feeling completely hopeless and like a worthless human being my conscious worked up the courage to confront me like:

I actually don't have to feel terrible about what I have created. (because really, I'm not happy Bob, not happy.)  But I think it is understandable for me to be so critical of my work, since I can point out all of the flaws and I know that it is far from what I had expected coming into the project. 

I finished the animation itself earlier this week, YAYY! Pretty i n c r e d i b l e, right? :P 
BTW: here's one of my favorite parts because it is  really awkward and random. Creepy old guy waving in that really weird way that some people wave!!!
BAHAHAHA and it looks really fast because the gif converted it to 24 frames per second and I animated it in twos (12fps) so it is moving two times as fast as it should... back to the basics. I will try to fix this soon!

(Added later: just gonna say that this gif is extra exclusive now! Due to technical stupidness, it messes up this one part for some reason so the man is completely still :( and doesn't do his weird wave thing)

So you may think that I may be done with all of my problems, but nope! Among getting ready to give a TEDtalk about how I've grown throughout this project and writing this blog, I still have to add some sort of audio to my video... This could either make or brake my project (India-Golf-Niner-Niner transmitting in the blind guard, disengage, repeat, DISENGAGE!!!), but I found it is kind of awkward to have you guys sit there for a whole minute in silence watching an very noticeably amateur animation.   

I looked around the inter-connected spider web of knowledge and found this website: I read through this site trying to get some sort of sense of how to put sample audio tracks into my video. My video doesn't really have any dialogue and its not live action, so I don't have to do any of the dialogue editing or ADR (automated dialogue recorder) and/or other stuff. But I did read about some really cool rules (No capes!) and tips (Machine washable, darling. That's the new feature) that the professionals use to pull a movie together (which is what my original goal was, even though it was more on the actual animator side) I'm not even really sure how I am supposed to apply my new found knowledge though, since I don't know about software that has simple sample (hehe that should be made into a tongue twister!) audio thingies or a website that I can download some...? I'm going to look into that. Does anyone know about this better than I do? Please comment if you have any ideas!

Anyways, I've finally come to the end of this crazy experience. I almost feel like a super hero (nudge nudge, wink wink, kick in the face) WHERE IS MY SUPER SUIT!? But in reality, this project has taught me some pretty worthy lessons for a TEDtalk ;) And I really want to share my Super Knowledge with all y'all. Then you guys will be like super heroes with your super knowledge, too! And when everyone's super... hehehehehEHHAHAHA no one will be! Just kidding, I'm not gonna go that route, but still. This project has been really worthwhile, and now I really want to get moving on another animation to improve my skills.

Also I just realized that I have to part with my drawing tablet that the Dr. Mcgonigle allowed me to borrow :'( NOOOOOOO looks like I'll have to invest in a new and better one!

Bomb Voyage!

Weekly Comments:

1 comment:

  1. Nudge nudge wink wink kick in the face!!!!! THAT BRINGS BACK SO MANY MEMORIES OF THE FEE'S I DID NOT STUDY FOR!!!
    Honey, where's mah super suit?!? Pixar will never top that...
    Well, I'm just here to tell you that you SHOULD feel like a hero. On the website where I learn ASL, the teacher sometimes addresses the students that use his website as "ASL heroes," and that makes me feel pretty darn great. You made an entire animated movie! You should feel like a superhero! You've done what you've wanted to do, and I'm pretty sure it looks amazing. Good job doing everything you did with this project! I'm so proud of you!
