Thursday, March 26, 2015

Got my Rear View Mirrors! (Reflection Post)

When it comes to presentations or school assignments like essays, I have a habit of completely blocking them out of my mind after they are finished until I forget about them. That way I will assume it went a lot better then it actually did. I don't really care anymore, and I don't take it as personally as I usually do when the grades and comments come in. But just for you guys, I'm gonna invest in some rear view mirrors that even come in handy for race-cars and rack my brain for a little bit of a reflection on my TED talk.

This month and a half period seemed to be all building up to the TED talk presentations, and for me, it seemed like a really abrupt and uneventful ending. I mean, I think my presentation was average. Could have done better, could have done worse. I ended up improvising a little more than I wanted to. That always happens though since my mouth has a mind of its own and starts saying something random and I have to come up with a second part of the sentence that makes sense. What I really should have done was gone up there and just been like: I create feelings in other that they themselves don't understand.... through stories. Ca-chow! *Wink* (if you didn't get to see my TED talk, I talked about the power of storytelling and how freakin' awesome it is!)

Here's my final product (and you can actually hear the music now, unlike during my TEDtalk :P )

What I care a little bit more about, though, was the project itself. I think overall, it was similar to my presentation, could have gone better, could have been worse. I got pretty frustrated about the whole thing most likely because my computer (which I named Bessie) was the most inefficient and annoying thing in the world. Whenever I worked on my project, the program was 'not responding' every five minutes -.- Actually. I took a lot of quick pit stops (almost Luigi "Peet Stop" quick) along the way to keep myself from bursting with frustration.  Partly due to that and partly due to my schedule, I ended up moving a lot slower than expected. 

I also expected to somehow be amazing at animation as soon as I opened up the first frame. I daydreamed about this happening in the not so distant future:

Mia: I'm Mia!
Tia: I'm Tia!
Mia and Tia: And we're like your biggest fans! Can you sign our faces!?


Random old guy: You got more talent in one lug-nut than a lot of cars has got on their whole body.

Well... not exactly, but I did fantasize that this would somehow kick start my love for creating animation, not only watching it, and lead to me becoming a professional animator when I'm older. 

Working at Disney has sort of been my dream for a long time, so I was really nervous to start this project and have my dreams crushed. By the time I got to the end, that didn't happen, but I also didn't have an epiphany, like:"HOLY PORSCHE! This is what I NEED to do for the rest of my life!" which kind of scares me. But, I guess, that sort of thing only happens in movies, so I shouldn't think too much of it. 

I did, however, learn a lot of new tips and tricks about animation from the good ol' smart people on the interconnected web. Some stuff even completely flipped the way I thought about it: "I'll put it simple: if you're going hard enough left, you'll find yourself turning right." Hmm, interesting. But I'm no Ferrari yet, so I really want to continue working on more animation, probably with a little more time to be able to develop and flush out my ideas. I was planning on going back to work on my project and perfecting everything, fix some timing, and working with some other parts of it, but honestly right now I don't feel like ever looking at it again. So I'm just going to move on and start something new. I probably won't post anything back on this blog, but if I ever finish an animation that I think is good enough to share with other people, I will definitely post it on Youtube.

Last Comments (ಥ﹏ಥ)


  1. I feel you with the blocking it out. "I'm blocking it out" seems to be my new catch phrase. I like the Cars references. How did you come up with naming your computer Bessie? I'm kinda curious to see your finished product. I'm sure you did great :)

    1. Yup exactly, Felicia. I just want it behind me. Look to the future! Anyway, I came up with Bessie because of the really slow and old and not working road paver from cars was named bessie (if you look at the picture). And yeah I just added the video to this post :)

  2. A great finale! I really enjoyed your TED Talk, and I thought your animation was great - the simplicity yet emotional impact of the story really felt Disney-worthy.
    It'd be really cool if you ever posted an animation on YouTube for fun! I'd look forward to seeing your work!

    1. Thank you so much for this comment, Josh. I literally have been so hard on myself with making it not good enough, and I thought that no one could understand it, let alone be affected emotionally by it! I really want to continue doing animation, but the only thing is I would have to invest in a new (and maybe better XD ) drawing tablet, and probable better software.

  3. I've thoroughly enjoyed following your progress throughout this project. Your work is amazing!
