Monday, March 2, 2015

I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date! (Post 3)

I am not going to lie, I am very behind from my original schedule... For this week and the last, I have gotten home from school at 10 o'clock every night, and although Young Frankenstein its going to be completely awesome (BTW March 5, 6, and 7; buy tickets from me), the rehearsals have left me with no time to do any of my homework. With the combined lack of sleep and way too much stuff to get done, just thinking about everything stresses me out to the point where I think I am going mad. I wish I liked coffee so I could stay up all night to get everything done... or maybe tea! Then I would complete my transformation into the Mad Hatter.

Due to my time constraint, I have realized that something is going to have to be cut. Off with your head! Nope. Just the details. I am chopping up all of my backgrounds and throwing them out the window for painting my roses red. It's not like they existed yet, but I know I will not have enough time to draw the backgrounds or the hair and any other unnecessary details of my animation. Now, it probable would've made more sense to just take off a good chunk of seconds off the end of it. But when you think about an actual movie, no one would go to the theatre to watch something that didn't have an ending... So I'm just going to make do and create some sort of messed up little animated film that probably won't actually be very good...

The longer this project goes on, the more my mind realizes all of the options that animation can offer. At first I felt like I was lost in wonderland, so I stuck with what I knew. I used one of my first ideas and started drawing. But now, I have started to understand what makes animation so amazing: It isn't the real world. I don't have to plant a rose if I want one. I can just draw it in a few seconds and paint it red, whether or not the queen of hearts wants me to. But then I could make a story line out of that. I could make my characters play croquet with flamingos, even though it does not work in real life (believe me, I speak from experience). I could even create a potion that makes you grow taller and smaller. Anything is possible!

When I discovered this, I started thinking of everything I could create, everything I could show the world. But its too late. Because of the structure of my project, I do not have time to start all over again. And this seems to be something that a lot of professional animators have to deal with on a regular basis. They may not enjoy the idea of a movie they were hired to help create, or they might get tired of a project, but they still have to work on it, otherwise they will not get paid. So I am going to persist. I am going to finish my project, even though I will not be as happy with the outcome.

After all, this project was the first thing that I have ever done in the field of animation. This was my crash course. I skimmed the surface and should not have expected to create an actual piece of art....

On that negative note, I have two more apolagies
1)This post is really boring, sorry. I have been having more technical difficulties and will post a sample of some of my work in the next week. I was planning to get it into this post, but my computer won't let me make this stupid GIF. WHYYYY?!?!

Have an awesome unbirthday everybody!



  1. I am sorry to hear that you've run into so many problems this week. It must be frustrating to realize all the changes that you could make when it is too late. I really enjoy your blog posts, they are always very fun to read and your references to other animated films are very fun. I think that you should continue to post samples of your animation on your blog, they were great examples of your work. I look forward to seeing your final project and hope that this busy week doesn't discourage you.

  2. Hey Dani! It's okay that you're behind schedule, I doubt that many of us aren't. It's so tough when we run into so many technical difficulties and we've got normal school work to do as well. I, as well, have run into a few difficulties, but it's mostly been about the whole learning to do a new skill. Good luck to you!

  3. Don't sweat not ending with a masterpiece. We've all ran into some type of difficulties (such as a video taking over an hour to upload...), but it's not vital to be successful at something. Just remember to have fun with it! Hopefully after Young Frankenstein is over you'll have more time to work on it, or at least take some of the stress off by doing other school work. Stick with it!

  4. Dani, like everyone else commenting on your post, I'm going to reassure that it's okay to be behind schedule. No one's going to blame you for sticking to your extracurricular commitments, and, like you mentioned, having to cut out some stuff taught you an important lesson. I'm a huge perfectionist, and I like to be good at everything I do right away - if I'm not, then it's not worth doing. This is really a terrible mindset to have, but I see you're coming to terms with not being amazing right off the bat. We're still all looking forward to what you have to do!
